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Natural products to help you look and feel better

Natural products to help you look and feel better

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Healthy Food

Natural products to help you look and feel better

  • Kyäni provides an assortment of great products to support your healing journey

  • Kyäni has shared the secret of better health with millions of people in over 50 countries around the world.

  • You can be one of them!


What is it?

Kyäni provides an assortment of optimal nutritional supplements. This business began in 2005 when two families discovered the incredible health benefits related to the Wild Blueberry, and made an initial business investment. Fast forward to today and Kyäni offers a world-wide distributor network, including Leaps & Bounds Wellness. Kyäni brings hope - the promise of a better life through wellness and opportunity.

Kyani Products
Kyani NitroFX

This link will take you to the L&B Wellness Distributor website. Here you can take the Assessment to see which products may suit you best. Or you can click on Shop Now and view the product assortment.


We recommend scheduling an appointment with Deanna to discuss the benefits of Kyäni, and to determine which products would be the most beneficial for you and your family.

Kyani Trio
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I am AMAZED!!! This year marks 26 years with Type 1 diabetes!!!


3 years ago I was using 3 vials of insulin (medication for Type 1 diabetes) per month - today I am down to 3 vials every 2 months, literally cut it in half.


I was able to do this by making a simple change in my diet, it's not a meal plan regime or a crazy gym rat mentality. I did it by finding the Nitro Extreme product that boosts the production of nitric oxide in the body. Increased production means more blood flow and insulin sensitivity to my tissues.


Always will to chat about my hourney. So much has changed for me - the reality is, it likely can for you too.

David S.

Leap Into Wellness

© 2023 by Leaps and Bounds Wellness Therapy Inc.

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